Punk in the New Age means something completely different than it used to.  Punk spirit expresses itself from an energy, a sort of visceral expression, lifted from the edge of our skin.  These days punk doesn't mean punk anymore.  Musicians and artists are giving their talents and energy away for free in trade for a pair of shoes.  Empowerment is something internal and deep.  I created Lightning along with co-founder Seth Olinsky of Cy Dune to deal with this new world view and it has really worked in terms of discussing those issues.  There are some identities and real world growing pains, that will be intriguing to watch and see how they form.  But there is no doubt that from self empowerment springs energy.

Working from your desk and thinking about these things is very gratifying, but still somewhat intellectual.  I've been working on pushing the limits; my own limits, others limits, societal limits, the boundaries of our humanity.  Perhaps like investigating into super athletes, or pushing my own boundaries.  

John Young of the Kamana program, developed a concept called 2 minute edge experiences.  This is a very proactive way to work toward these limits.  Although, sometimes just biting the bullet and diving in is perhaps an equally intriguing perspective.  

What it takes to be punk these days, has new definitions, being redefined in the too punk to be punk, and an older more steeped sentiment.  
